About us

Change of Venue

From January 2022 we have changed the location for our Thursday night meetings to the Swansea Yacht and Sub-Aqua Club on the marina.  The postcode for the location is SA1 1RE

The club is well organised and very sociable with some 100 members, including family members and juniors,  who have a range of interests.  These interests include one species fishing, social fishing, match fishing, and casting.  We are all passionate about our sport of pleasure fishing.

Whether we are fishing from the shore, boat, rivers or lakes we all care about the fishing environment, other anglers and the future of all forms of fishing.  We all  respect minimum fish sizes, conservation, catch & release and angling etiquette.

The main activities of the Club are the social Club nights, a programme of fishing events and competitions, and social fish-ins from local venues, and charity money raisers.  Several of the shore events are fished in the evenings and hours of darkness.  Usually, an event is stage every few weeks to coincide with the most suitable tides that fall every fortnight.


Members are kept up to date with club activities via a weekly news update email usually issued on a Monday

Also all current members are part of our What's App group which also gives information about trips and club activities