Trevor Mellard Memorial Bass Trophy

Trevor Mellard Memorial Bass Trophy

For many years Trevor, as Hon. Secretary, was key to the day to day running of MMBFC.

Sadly Trevor passed away suddenly on September 4th 2020.

The executive committee have decided to hold an annual competition in Trevor's memory.


We are not a competitive angling club, with the majority of anglers fishing for pleasure or the pot rather than fishing matches, so the competition will be for the longest bass caught by a club member. 

There will be a prize of £100 for the inaugural competition.

competition rules


  • The competition is open to all MMBFC members, whether adult or junior members.
  • The competition will run for 12 months from 1st October to 30th September each year.
  • The competition is for the longest bass measured in centimeters to the nearest 0.5cm (rounded down).
  • Length to be measured from the snout to the tip of the tail.
  • Fish MUST be photographed against a measuring ruler / tape, showing the whole fish and its length to the nearest 0.5cm (rounded down).
  • Entries & photographs should be submitted to 
  • Entries will be posted on the club website so members can see the current entries.
  • There is no limit on the number of entries an angler can submit.
  • Fish can be returned or retained, provided the current regulations on bass fishing are followed.
  • Bass entered for the competition can be shore or boat caught.
  • All fish must be caught by rod & line, using fair angling methods - bait, lure, feathers or fly are all permitted.
  • Foul-hooked fish are not eligible.
  • Fish caught whilst commercial fishing are not eligible.
  • The competition will respect any closed seasons and minimum sizes that may apply.
  • In the event of a tie, the award will be shared.
  • The prize will be presented to the winner on the same night as the club AGM.

We have received several invalid entries where the photo has not been taken against a measure to show the length of the fish. Valid entries MUST show the full measured length of the fish and provide the captor's name. Entries should be sent to